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October 27, 2023

A Cosmic Electro Journey with ‘Full Speed Ahead’

FELIX III Releases ‘Full Speed Ahead’ today on majr

majr is excited to be collaborating with Felix III, a visionary Mexican-American artist based in Brooklyn on his latest release, ‘Full Speed Ahead.’ Known for pushing boundaries in queer electro-pop, Felix III exhibits an unyielding commitment to artistic innovation, deeply rooted in his heritage. Explore the world of Full Speed Ahead now.

Felix III understood early on that music a universal tool and language to spread their inner light. This belief is reflected in Felix’s latest release, Full Speed Ahead, a carefully crafted sonic journey created with collaborater and producer Joakim Buddee. Weaving a tapestry of cosmic synth pop and evocative performance art, Felix III draws inspiration from psychedelic insight, the vibrant queer community and the world of tarot.

Full Speed Ahead is a passport to Felix III’s realm of imagination and self-discovery. Launching today, Full Speed Ahead offers a backstage pass to the creative process. You’ll explore early demos, unreleased voice memos, live performances and the creative journey that led Felix throughout the songwriting process.

Full Speed Ahead marks a new chapter for Felix III, a rebirth that promises to redefine his artistic trajectory. With infectious enthusiasm, Felix III invites us to embark on a journey of introspection through outter space.

What is majr?
majr is a vault into the creative process behind your favorite tracks and artists. Listen to the song, and when you’re ready, go beneath the surface and dive into the songwriting and lyrical meaning. Explore candid studio sessions, performances and listen to raw acoustic and early demo cuts. Song Stories are updated, keeping you connected to how your favorite tracks are performed, remixed and re-released.

About majr
majr is an LA-based startup connecting artists and fans around a deeper experience of storytelling. You can download majr or learn more at https://majr.app.