Building a new standard for storytellers

Featured screens from majr

we built majr for the generation of creatives who will control their own destiny

The Internet has become unusable. We've inherited a generation of apps riddled with noisy algorithms and relentless advertising. Today's websites are clickbait, pop-up promotions and endless cookie accept boxes.

At the end of the day, we all loved the Internet because it allowed us to share our own stories. Part fact, part fiction. Entirely our own.

majr brings the best of today into a single place - and leaves the rest behind - so you can enjoy authentic, real, direct stories from the artists you care about.

You can also use majr to tell your own story. Start small and build your story at your own pace. Get started now.

carefully crafting something different

Founded in April 2021 by a focused team of artists and product makers, majr has been carefully crafted by working creatives of every size, music super fans and culture vultures from every corner of the creative world.

Our small team has built something that feels familiar, yet different, carefully crafting every pixel.  

A screenshot of the artist Distant Cowboy on majr.